Archive for February, 2009

Twitter is so yesterday!

Even though Tweetdeck and 12seconds have long been cozy bed mates, today marks a new level of commitment; Twitter’s most popular desktop client and its online video clone are now making 12second babies.

12seconds is announcing that Tweetdeck now supports their new authoring API
in the latest release, so users will now be able to record – not just
watch – 12second videos without ever leaving the app. For those with
140 character or 12 second attention spans, it’s a marriage made in
application heaven.

Tweetdeck Now Includes 12seconds Video Recording

The Ten Best Ways To Get Noticed By Media « Sarah Gilbert Fox

When I look at how P.R. companies come to me with product information during these hard economic times, I’m often left scratching my head, because what I’m being sent is information that’s not helping me to help them.  And then it occurs to me that they, too, must be scratching their heads, because everything is changing so fast these days that any industry standard that held steady in the past is just gone, gone, gone —- we are, all of us, scratching our heads.

How different is it now? Smaller newspapers all over the nation are closing down. The Washington Post has announced it will stop using freelancers.  Newsweek has reported it’s worth is 70% less than what it used to be.  Even the New York Times is struggling to keep its head above water.  All print publications have been forced to cut back on their page count, because the public is buying less, the advertisers have stopped purchasing, and the money just isn’t there.

What’s a P.R. company to do?

This article continues here …

How does online media change everything?

Ever wondered? Excellent video here.

The Online Media from RealWire on Vimeo.

10 Reasons Your Small Business Should Have a Blog

This posting sums it up perfectly (follow the link below)

One of the first questions I get from my clients is “what type of website should I have?” The answer is, “it depends,” but for virtually all websites, getting people to your site and engaging them on some level is of primary importance. So, regardless of whatever else you do with your website, you absolutely need to have a corporate blog. The next question I receive (especially after delivering the “blog” message) is: “I don’t have the resources for a blog. Do I have to have one?”

The answer is Yes. And here are 10 reasons why your small business should have a blog.

via Marketing Ideas! » Blog Archive » 10 Reasons Your Small Business Should Have a Blog.

Stephen Fry now has 100,000 Twitter Followers

One man using the gift of 140 character updates to manage the perceptions of more people than read many successful UK consumer magazines.

This new media age is revealing some powerful new tricks.

Scary really.

Twitter / stephenfry.

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